He has made hundreds of speeches throughout the world to thousands of people. He motivates them to focus their positive energies and succeed. He is Fred Arnold, father of four and a passionate Santa Clarita community leader. Fred’s passion is to help those in need. Whether it’s a business person wanting to grow their business, a non-profit organization needing support, or a Veteran in need of a hand up, he believes his job is to help wherever he can.
Through his radio program, The Business Spotlight, his television show, Out of the Rough, and as a member of the SCV Chamber of Commerce board of directors, Fred helps small business owners find ways to succeed. He is on the boards of Single Mothers Outreach, Habitat for Humanity, Our Lady of Perpetual Help and the College of the Canyons Foundation. “I believe in families and community. Single mothers and returning war veterans are most in need of help. Even in Santa Clarita we have homeless, hungry and distressed citizens who need help to overcome their plight,” said Fred.
With all that he does, including being very active with his children (Alex, Katie, Jack and Amy), how does Fred find time for his own business? “I view my business as a continuation of my other activities, helping people,” he told me.
Fred is a Mortgage Advisor at American Family Funding a branch of American Pacific Mortgage Company a $4B company. Shortly after graduating from CSUN with a bachelor’s in Real Estate and Finance, Fred started his own mortgage loan company. His specialty has always been “the personal touch.” Fred cares, truly cares, for the welfare of his clients. Over time, Fred has been president of the California Association of Mortgage Professionals, Mortgage Professional of the Year.
Fred’s advice is to, “Look for ways to help others achieve and you will unlock the secret of your own success.”